Around Lisbon in 80 Days

Gather some friends to form a team, and get ready to start exploring!

Get Started


Around Lisbon in 80 Days has already started! If you're a Mobility or International Student from Técnico, grab some friends, register your team, and get ready for 80 days full of challenges and enthusiasm!
Use the hashtag #AL80D to share your moves with everyone! Are you ready? On your marks, get set... GO! 🇵🇹


All the Activities and Challenges are listed below, divided into two categories: the 'vanilla' AL80D activities, which for now will work in remote-only mode, and other activities organized by NAPE, that will give points to your team too. They will be listed as we promote them and will not require the participants to be signed into AL80D.


We list below some of the most important rules for the AL80D. For more detailed information, check the Rules Document.

  • For each activity you do, you'll earn 1 point. But only if you post proof (picture or video) in the Telegram Group!
  • You have 80 days (dates TBA) to earn points. After that, the winners will be announced and will earn a prize;
  • If you think of a new activity/challenge, tell us! You will earn points for it!
  • Always comply with the regulations of the places you visit;
  • Unfortunately, the current situation is unpredictable, and so the rules may change throughout the 80 days;
  • Have fun! (the most important part).


Meet the team behind the Around Lisbon in 80 Days, and which you can count on throughout all the 2020/21 Spring Semester!

Frequently Asked Questions